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Alum Powder is a white or off-white powder with a characteristic odor. It is a by-product of the alumina industry. Alumina is a white, crystalline mineral that is the chief ore of aluminum. It is used in the production of aluminum foil, aluminum cans, and other aluminum products.



  • Aluminum sulfate is a white, crystalline solid with astringent properties.
  • It is soluble in water and has a wide range of applications.

Common Uses:

  1. Water Treatment:
    • Clarification of Water: Aluminum sulfate is used in water treatment plants as a coagulant for the clarification of drinking water and wastewater.
    • pH Adjustment: It can help in adjusting the pH of water.
  2. Paper Industry:
    • Sizing Agent: Aluminum sulfate is used in the paper industry as a sizing agent to improve the paper’s resistance to ink penetration.
  3. Textile Industry:
    • Mordant: It is used as a mordant in the textile industry to help dyes adhere to fabrics.
  4. Tanning Industry:
    • Leather Tanning: In the tanning of leather, aluminum sulfate is used as a tanning agent.
  5. Deodorant and Antiperspirant:
    • Antiperspirant: Some forms of alum are used in the production of deodorants and antiperspirants.
  6. Food Industry:
    • Food Additive: Aluminum sulfate is used in certain food products as a firming agent for fruits and vegetables.
  7. Soil Amendment:
    • Soil pH Adjustment: In gardening, alum can be used to lower soil pH.

Health Considerations:

  • Aluminum sulfate is generally considered safe for its intended uses when used in accordance with recommended guidelines.
  • However, excessive exposure to aluminum compounds has been associated with certain health concerns, so its use should be controlled and within established limits.

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